If you have registered with a phone number, please check your messages. If you haven't received an OTP, please register again with the same phone number. Another OTP will be sent to you.
If you have registered with an email, please check the Spam/Junk section of your inbox. If you have already done so, please try to sign up again with the same email address and password. Another email verification link will be sent to you.
Please make sure that the password you have entered satisfied the requirements:
- at least 8 characters
- at least 1 number
- at least 1 letter
- at least 1 uppercase
Yes, a VIP membership can be used on all Boobics content in all available languages.
You will first need to be registered and signed in to keep track of the content you have seen.
You can check your history page to view all the content (comics and videos) that you have seen.
You will first need to be registered and signed in to keep track of the content you have seen.
You can check your history page to view all the content (comics and videos) that you have seen.
Once you have selected a comic to read, you will see the list of available chapters for it. By default, the first 2 chapters are free for everyone. All other chapters can either be purchased with our premium currency (coins), or with a VIP Membership.
Simply click on the 'Sign In' button on our website and navigate to the 'SignUP' tab. Choose how you want to sign in (via mobile number, email, or social media), fill the necessary details, and submit.
If you register with a phone number, we will send an OTP to the number you have entered. That OTP will then need to be used to activate your account.
If you register with an email address, a verification link will be sent to your inbox. Clicking on the verification link will activate your account.
If you encounter any issues or have any question, please leave us an email on [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.